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Book Buddies: How Books Can Be the Best Friends of Kids

Book Buddies: How Books Can Be the Best Friends of Kids

Kids grow up in an entirely different world than the one that their parents grew up in. The
influences of today are vastly different from those of yesteryear, and it’s up to the parents to
help their kids navigate these often-difficult waters and stay on the right path throughout their
childhood years. Fortunately, parents don’t have to do it alone! Books can help kids learn
about the world around them and give them valuable life lessons they won’t forget anytime
soon. Here are some reasons why books are the best friends of kids, and ways that kids can
benefit from reading.
Why Reading Is Important
Reading is one of the most important skills that a child can learn. The benefits of reading are
enormous, and they start as soon as you start to read. Reading is important for children’s
literacy development and academic success, even when they are not yet old enough to
attend school. For parents, reading is a great way to spend time with your child and bond
over something you both enjoy. It also encourages empathy for others and teaches kids
about different cultures and lifestyles that might be different from their own.
Reading helps us develop thinking skills like vocabulary, comprehension, story construction,
creativity, imagination, culture awareness and critical thinking. This list just scratches the
Parent’s role in encouraging reading habits
As parents, one of our most important jobs is to teach kids how to read. We can do this by
setting aside time each day for reading with children and by making sure that there are
books all around the house that children want to read. In addition, it’s a good idea to choose
books based on what interests a child. What may be interesting for one child may not be
interesting for another.
Children’s Role in Adopting Good Reading Habits
We know that kids love to read. What we don’t always know is how to get them to read with
understanding and without being bored. We also can’t predict what they’ll be into from one
day to the next, so it’s hard for us parents and teachers to keep up with what they’re reading
at any given time. That’s where books come in!
How Books Can Improve Your Child’s Life
It is no secret that reading to your child as a parent has many benefits. One such benefit is
that it teaches children how to love books and read by themselves. Research shows that
when parents read with their children, they are more likely to become readers themselves.
Reading also helps your child recognize words and develop language skills. Not only does
reading help you bond with your child, but it will also help them grow up smart, happy and
confident in who they are.
3 Ways to Encourage Your Child to Read When Learning To Read Seems Too Hard
Reading can seem daunting to kids when they are learning to read. But there are plenty of
ways that parents can help their child learn to love reading. These tips will show you how
you can give your child a head start on reading and turn it into a lifelong habit.

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